
the journey 2.0: happy and relaxed

We're into month #2 of my journey and I have to say that I'm much more relaxed this time around.  Trying to get pregnant the first time was such a long wait, with disappointment month after month for about ten months.  I remember reading somewhere that it can, on average, take up to a year or two to get pregnant!  Those statistics baffle me especially when I hear of couples who get pregnant on their first "try" or when I see shows like Teen Mom, etc.

I often wonder how long it will take to conceive.  Even if it happens now, Lil J will still be almost three years older than his soon-to-be sibling.  I think that's a good age difference.  At least Lil J will understand more when he's three and it won't be such a challenge having a two-year old toddler {boy!} plus a newborn.  Miss S is older and very self-sufficient - so much so that she often loves to help out with Lil J.

A part of me would like it to happen right away, but the other part of me is enjoying the moment and enjoying the two beautiful kids that we have right now.